Ah First class and the free Bloody Mary; free in the sense that there is no additional charge over the exorbitant price of the fare. My husband and I are quasi interlopers; we are here thanks to years of pains taking efforts to use our mileage accruing credit and debit cards, the fruits of which have been harvested in the form of two first class round trip tickets to Paris. So in a way the tickets were free. Also free are the digeplayers which hold tons of entertainment fun. And of course we were served a complimentary hot lunch with real silverware, because no first class passenger would use the metal knife or fork for any criminal/unsavory act. Looking on the bright side, maybe we are easing up on the paranoia and realizing that most people know right from wrong and that we should live under that assumption. But I digress ...
Another benefit of Le Premiere Classe is the lounge in the airport which supplies free w ifi, espresso and from 7-10:30 am, pancakes! Waiting for a flight has never been this good. Then of course you have your own lines for check in, security and boarding. They do make you feel special for spending all that money. Oh wait, we didn't! I love my frequent flyer program!

From the plane, flying above the space fluffy clouds; I see the the shadows they cast mimicking their shape exactly.
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